Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Balloon Weekend 2008

We have been sponsoring a Hot Air Balloon at the Pittsfield, NH annual Balloon Rally for 15 years. This year was not one of the best weather wise. We had only one flight (Friday night) out of a possible 4. Saturday morning, however, we were able to tether the balloon so at least we could get off the ground. Saturday evening, the skies opened up, to say the least. That was something not needed in the area. Just last week some of the near by towns had a tornado. It is impossible to show with a picture how the area looked. Trees wound up like tops, some sheared off 20 feet in the air, others untouched. Fortunately, only one life was lost. Trees and roads, that is another story. Since we did not fly much, I'm posting a nice picture from another year. Gray skies don't make good pictures. We did have a great time with family, however. Some of my husband's cousins came from NY State and other NH locals. Even the newest family member, a 3 week old baby, attended!

Now to get back to a routine and make some more jewelry. Christmas is coming!


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