Saturday, October 4, 2008

More Virginia Beach

Yesterday we decided to go to visit the Cape Henry Lighthouse. We followed the directions that came with a packet of sightseeing information from our motel. Very easy to follow, Atlantic Avenue to 82nd Street and turn right. Well, that didn’t work but we kept going and saw a sign for Fort Story. That was mentioned in the directions, so we went forward but we were surprised to see about 8 serious looking guards ahead requesting us to stop. We pulled up behind another car and rolled down the window to talk to the guard.
“What is the purpose of your visit?” we were asked.
“We are looking for a lighthouse to visit. Is this the right place?”
“Well, there are two lighthouses here. Just go straight ahead”

But then he requested us to pull forward under “something” (I missed what that was) then to show our driver’s licenses (picture) and to get out of the car, open all four doors, the trunk, hood and glove box. My husband released the trunk and hood from inside the car but he was requested to open them himself for inspection. Another guard peered into the car and everything seemed OK so we were given a “Temporary Pass”. Oh, I forgot to mention that the second guard wrote down our car license. They were very nice and polite but we were not expecting that scrutiny to visit a lighthouse.

After all that we drove straight ahead (really the only choice) and noticed (our focus was on the guards not anything else before) we had entered a very active Military Base. Army, USMC, Navy and Coast Guard were there.

After all that excitement we quickly found the two lighthouses. My husband went up in the Cape Henry (brick) Lighthouse. They had a nice gift shop and my husband bought a tee shirt with a small logo of the lighthouse on the front. Only when he got it home did he notice that, in very large letters on the back, it said “I climbed the 192 steps to the top of Cape Henry Lighthouse” Well, he did but was disappointed in the big announcement on his new shirt.

We also saw the large cross at the point of “The First Landing” in 1607.

THEN, very early this morning (just before 5 AM) the fire alarm went off. We were fortunate to have it right outside our door? It is supposed to wake everyone on the floor (a slight indication as to how loud it was). So, we put on pants, shoes and a jacket and using the stairs (remember the instructions in the elevators?) went down and outside. (Holding our ears by the way.) Fortunately, we are on the 2nd floor. We were met with many other sleepy looking people. One fire truck came with two firefighters. (Our small town in MA routinely sends at least two trucks and 4-6 firefighters even if you call to say it was a false alarm. – I know I’ve had to do that but that is another story. Even jewelry related!)

So, after the all clear, we went back to bed and finally fell asleep again. Now off for our last day of vacation at Virginia Beach. FYI, the seagulls are facing south today.

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