Sunday, April 19, 2009

Boston Marathon

Tomorrow is the Boston Marathon. Tonight Lexie Williams' Mom, Alice, wrote in her Caring Bridge journal:

"At the Pasta Party, we saw Hailey and her people, got to hug Jim and Michelle Roderick, which was a Huge gift, as beautiful Erin was among the honorees- Lexie and Melanie sat and ate pasta together to get themselves carbed up for the Big Day tomorrow-

Tomorrow, Lexie will run the final mile of the Boston Marathon with her DMFC runner, which has been Melanie's wish since last year, when Lexie just wasn't capable of running a mile- What a difference a year makes !!!
So it's been a Whirlwind weekend, filled with action, friendship, love and more love !!!! Devon would have Loved this weekend !!!!"

How exciting to hear that Lexie has made such progress.

Go Melanie and Lexie Go for the Dana Farber Marathon Challenge. Go to help defeat Cancer!


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