Saturday started out quietly enough with a great Quilt Show for Science with a Mission. They had 88 quilts, each one nicer than the other. A friend came with me and we stayed for a Swedish Luncheon. Then we came home to try to take some jewelry photos. My friend is a good photographer. So, with jewelry in my right hand, we went outside. An old mat was waiting for me and down I went right on my left hand. A few #$%*&@'s later with my friend asking if I was OK, I said, "yes". So, while I sat on the ground, she clicked away. However, the longer I sat, the more it hurt and the more it started to swell. Fast forward to Urgent Care where the doctor told me the x-rays looked as if nothing was broken but she would have the radiologist look them over Monday morning.
Have you tried to do things, regular things, with out the use of one hand? Little things like getting undressed? (I haven't asked my DH to undo my bra in awhile ;-) Also, opening your laptop? A pill bottle? My poor husband! In Sickness and Health ...
In the middle of the night: "Honey, are you awake?" I needed pain pills, new ice and a pillow to raise my hand up. You know, "R I C E" - Rest, ice, compression and elevation. Well, I had put the aspirin somewhere safe but where? He finally found them. Oh, yes then water. In Sickness and Health ...
In the morning, I decided not getting dressed was the best option. So, with help, I put on my robe and started down stairs.. Now, after one trip, I'm very careful not to do it again. Going up stairs was OK. I could hold on to the railing with my right hand. But going down stairs required my left hand. DH to the rescue again. He went down the stairs backward while I held on with my right hand. What a guy! Then he fixed my breakfast and went off to church with the rest of the family. I watched The Hour of Power. Good substitute. In Sickness and Health ...
The rest of Sunday was fairly calm and uneventful. I'll continue the Monday events tomorrow. My right hand is tired. Thank heavens for spell checkers and copy and paste!
B and
hope you are feeling better soon...and nothing was broken...your hubby sounds like a sweet mine...hang in there...
Poor you! Hope your hand gets better soon. Now that's blogging dedication for you working with one hand!