Thursday, July 30, 2009

New workspace

Well, this isn't a good picture of my new workspace. But I found out that its location defies being able to get a good view to take a picture. You can see the depth however.

I'm very excited about the space. I have room for my printer and books and still have space to work. I purchased an "L" shaped desk from Ikea. Ikea has great prices but you have to pick up your order (Oh, they will deliver for a price) and then assemble your purchases.

I also bought an "office" chair for comfort and that was the first thing we assembled. It took 30 minutes to unpack. It was almost all together when we found the instructions. Since Ikea is Swedish and they sell all over the world, the instructions are pictures. I've always had trouble with pictures. My mind prefers words. One of my favorite picture signs is in Virginia Beach, VA.

I guess this is clear. "No swearing!"

Anyhow, I'm really enjoying the new chair and workspace. In case you've noticed, I haven't been posting much lately. I've been busy organizing everything. I've been going slowly because I tend to get tired and then just throw things in boxes or where ever things will fit.

That is just what I'm trying to organize now so I can find things when I want to. Right now it is "Oh, I remember that. Wondered where that was"

So, I'll probably not be posting much again as I continue to organize. Oh, yes, we have our annual Hot Air Balloon Rally in Pittsfield, NH this weekend to limit my organizing time. The largest hot air balloon the Energizer Hot Hare Balloon will be there. Check him out. Should be fun seeing him and I'll try to get some pictures to post.

In the mean time, I'll continue organizing.

B and


  1. Funny you should have mentioned it but I've been organising too! I like a tidy place but it soon gets untidy once I start designing.

  2. It is impossible to be tidy and design. The two just don't go together. However, there is a limit to disorganization and I was (partly still am) at the limit.

  3. I always love setting up a new space! Have fun with it!
