Monday, March 2, 2009

Lexie's Jewelry / Boston Marathon

Another "snow" day today. The grandkids are home - cheering when they see the news on TV. It is hard to believe looking out the window that spring is coming soon. With spring comes the running of the Boston Marathon in April.

My friend, Melanie, who runs the Marathon for her patient partner, Lexie, is already in training. That means running miles everyday. For Melanie that is over and above her regular PE teaching and evening classes she teaches at the local "Y". Such energy.

Lexie, Melanie and I designed the "Lexie's Jewelry" line before last year's marathon. Those of you who have followed my blog for awhile are familiar with the line. We have been able to donate over $4,000 to the Dana Farber Institute for Cancer since we started selling.

I get lots of questions about how Lexie is doing so I thought an update here was in order. Lexie is now 11 years old and has recently passed several days worth of tests with the pronouncement of "STABLE" Such good words for Lexie and her family to hear. While that is good news for Lexie, she still is loosing many of her brain tumor friends. Lexie’s Mom writes a Journal at . She shares their good days and also some of their sad days. You can subscribe to the site and read her daily updates.

I'll be sharing each of the Lexie's Jewelry pieces in future posts. Stay tuned.

Or if you can't wait check out



  1. So good to here that Lexie is doing well. It's hard to imagine children having to cope with cancer. Your proceeds from your Lexie's jewelry line is going to such a great cause.

  2. Hopefully one day Lexie will have the energy and be able to run the marathon for another patient!

  3. That's great news about Lexie! I am always amazed at the stamina of marathon runners. I feel tired just reading about Melanie's efforts.
